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Read: Sunshine Blogger Award (x2)
Bazillion years ago (in May, to be specific), I received the 3rd nomination by my good (English biscuit) friend Hannah (Pages, Places, & Plates).
She writes reviews about books she’s read, different places she’s visited from countries and cities to restaurants and social events, and all kinds of recipes she’s tried. Regardless of your taste or interests, you will find something to like there. So make sure to visit her blog.
The 4th nomination was by my lovely blogger friend, Paris (The Girl in Flat 26). She shares some amazing wellbeing tips along with her travel adventures and the things she’s learned from visiting 21 countries so far. So, make sure to check her blog out!
About the Award
The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are creative, positive, and inspiring, while spreading sunshine to the blogging community. The award is driven entirely by the community, passed from blogger to blogger in recognition of their inspiring material.
Rules of the Award
- Thank the blogger who nominated you. (Thank you Hannah and Paris!)
- Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you.
- Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.
- Notify your nominees about their nomination.
- List the rules and display a Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your post and/or website.
To not have this post be too long, I answered 6 questions off Hannah’s list and 6 questions off Paris’ list.
Hannah’s Questions
What’s an interesting fact about you that people might not expect?
My great grandparents are Turkish and French..?
What’s a fear you have that you really want to overcome?
The fear of insects, probably.
What’s a hobby you don’t currently do but really want to take up?
Drawing. I wish I could delve into this world.
If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?
Flying; there is a euphoric feeling in defying gravity.
You’re moving house and have to choose between a ranch in the desert, an ice house in a snowy land, a treehouse in the jungle, or a bamboo hut on the beach. Which do you choose?
I love this question! And I must say it was a tough call between the ice house and the hut, but I will most likely go with the hut on the beach.
I will just pray that it is in one of those cities where it is always raining and is never sunny.
And the ultimate debate… Pineapple on pizza?

Paris’ Questions
If you had to pick one to quit forever, would you choose music or TV?
Most definitely TV.
What did you do for your last birthday?
That was 9 months ago, and so I have no idea.. lol
I’m not a big fan of birthdays though, so I’m pretty sure I didn’t do much and that’s probably why I have no memory of it.
Would you rather visit the past or visit the future (you choose how far either way)?
Since I can choose how far, then definitely the past. I would love to experience life during the ancient Egyptian era; specifically, the Pharaonic period.
Would you prefer a night in or a night out? Describe your ideal itinerary for whichever one you choose!
Night in, pizza, TV show or a film; typical introverted/boring millennial, I guess?
Which is your favourite clothes shop on the high street? What about online?
I don’t have a favourite clothes shop. In fact, I hate shopping for clothes; I will buy the first thing I find that fits and I don’t absolutely hate.
Name one of your goals for this week/month/year (you choose!)
Goal for the month is to publish my first e-book Your Ultimate Guide To A Powerful Book Launch. And I just now realized how awfully long this title is!

List of 11 Bloggers I Nominate
- Julie – Dark Blue Journal
- Nadine – Home of Understanding
- AJ – Mini Minimalist Mama
- Helen – Parenting Fails and Pigtails
- Athena – Athena Christy
- Finn – Finlay Games
- Soph – girl vs world
- Jess – Just Call Me Jess
- Tinka – LittleTinkablee
- George – BritVoyage
- Krystyna – Passion and Peace
My 11 Questions for You
- What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
- What is your spirit animal?
- What do you do when you feel uninspired?
- What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
- What is the worst food you’ve ever tasted?
- List 3 of your best qualities.
- One thing you will never go anywhere without.
- When you close your eyes, what do you see?
- Name one thing that has changed about you/your life in the last 5 years.
- What is one sport you wish you excelled at?
- Who was your first blogger friend?
Again, a big thank you to Hannah and Paris for nominating me, and congratulations to all the nominees!
Till the next awards season, happy days!

Congratulations, Ray!! You are so loved in the blogging community. xoxo
Oh that’s so sweet of you to say! Thank you so much Sandy! ?
Thank you!
Firstly, congratulations for being nominated. You truly deserved it. And wait, so you’re an amalgamation of turkish, french, and egyptian? Now that is interesting! Also, loved the way you answered all your questions and some of the questions you answered to your nominees are pretty interesting. (:
Haha yea, it’s a quite odd mix really. Thank you Ronald! Glad you enjoyed it!
Congratulations to you! And thank you so much for the nomination. I enjoyed reading your responses – we actually share some things in common! I’m an introvert too, and not much of a shopper. Also, I don’t care that much about birthdays too! 🙂
By the way, your blog is outstanding!
Thank you, Julie! I actually love the topics you discuss on your blog, so it is definitely a well-deserved nomination. 🙂
And I’m glad we have these things in common, especially when it comes to birthdays and shopping, it is not that often I find people with the same opinion. 😀
Congrats Ray!
Thank you! 🙂