Start Living Today (Workbook Review)

Start Living Today is a workbook to help you figure what your goals in life are and puts you on the path towards achieving them. I used this workbook myself and this is what I think about it.


Some time ago, I published a post about how to achieve anything you want in life, I shared how I had this awakening moment where I felt the need to make a change and decided I no longer wanted to be a passerby in my own life, but to live consciously and with a purpose and a plan in order to create the type of life I want to live.

And this week, I am going to share with you something that can help you figure out the kind of goals you need to have in front of you and which can help you put your feet on the first steps towards achieving them.

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8 Steps To Achieve Anything You Want In Life

This post walks you through everything you need to start achieving your life goals today! Plus 8 practical steps you can easily follow and apply to every goal you have.


Most of us run into many great ideas and read inspiring articles or books that have practical thoughts and ways to improve our lives, but how many of us actually take the time to apply any of it? Well, not many.

As far as I can remember, I never really had a life goal that I was pursuing. If I ever had a goal it was usually short-term; and more often than not I’d get bored or lose hope and give up in a few weeks.

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