Your Guide To A Healthy Money Mindset: 10 Foolproof Ways To Build A Rock-Solid Mindset

Your mindset towards something directly affects how you handle it or react to it. And since we all need money in our life, having a healthy mindset towards money is important to guarantee we are properly equipped to handle money. In this contribution, by Maria Bianchi, learn how to build that rock-solid money mindset in 10 easy steps.


If you find yourself freaking out about even the smallest expense, and going above and beyond to save pennies, then it’s possible you have a scarcity mindset.

Someone with a scarcity mindset is a person that sees everything through the “lack” lense. Around them, everything is scarce and only a few people can access abundance. For them, having “enough” or “more than enough” is simply not possible.

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Money VS Passion: TRJ’s Quarter-Year Update

This post is my first update on my journey so far. If you have been following the journey, or just intrigued to know what I have been up to those past 5 months, then I invite you to read on.


First of all, this is not exactly a “quarter-year,” but I only thought of this post about two weeks ago or so, and I was either going to do it now and be a little behind on the “quarter” part, or wait for it to be like half a year update or something. But I eventually decided to just do it now.

I felt like I should have a post where I document what has been going well for me so far on this journey and what needs improvement. So that I can have an overview of where I am exactly.

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8 Steps To Achieve Anything You Want In Life

This post walks you through everything you need to start achieving your life goals today! Plus 8 practical steps you can easily follow and apply to every goal you have.


Most of us run into many great ideas and read inspiring articles or books that have practical thoughts and ways to improve our lives, but how many of us actually take the time to apply any of it? Well, not many.

As far as I can remember, I never really had a life goal that I was pursuing. If I ever had a goal it was usually short-term; and more often than not I’d get bored or lose hope and give up in a few weeks.

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