Amazon Reviews: Everything You Need To Know As An Author And A Reviewer

If you sell a book or any other product on Amazon, or if you are a reviewer, then you must be familiar with some important review rules and the mistakes that may cost you those reviews. In this post, you will learn 6 of the most common Amazon review mistakes, consequences for violating Amazon reviews, and some workarounds too.


I have recently published an ebook where I discussed the process of marketing and promoting your self-published book, and the things you need to do to make more sales and rank higher on charts. One of the things discussed there was how to get more reviews on your book.

And, as a continuation of that topic, I felt it is important to highlight some of the mistakes that authors and reviewers do which can result in Amazon deleting those hard-earned reviews.

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A Laptop Dilemma..Mac vs Everything Else?

Here’s a somewhat huge hiccup on the way..

I had a different post planned for this week, but due to unforeseen changes, I am writing about this laptop predicament.

Since literally everything I do in my life right now is either dependent on or done through a computer and an internet connection, having both of them up and running at all times is a matter of life or death to me!

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