5 Habits To Live Better And Achieve More

We don’t always have the motivation to do what we need to do; and sometimes we waste hours or days with nothing productive which leads to negative emotions, like guilt or discontentment.

These 5 habits will help you change that.


Waking up with a plan and a purpose helps in achieving all the things you need to achieve in a day, which ultimately helps you achieve your bigger goals in life.

And, sometimes, you need to make a few changes and implement a few things in your daily routine to help you achieve that purpose and those goals the best way you can.

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The 5 Dangers Of Sitting In A Bad Posture For Hours (Plus 5 Ways To Correct Your Posture)

Sitting for too long is bad for your health. Sitting for too long in the wrong posture is A LOT worse.
Read about the dangers and what you can do to avoid them in this post.


Working on this blog is something I do while sat down. But it’s not just that, almost everything I’m doing, I do while sitting down starring at something; either reading for studies, writing assignments/homework, working on every single job I’ve ever had, watching TV, typing a blog post, researching a topic, or just scrolling through social media pages, etc.

That is a lot of sitting down! And this can be seriously dangerous if you are not paying attention to how long you are doing this and the way you are actually doing it.

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8 Steps To Achieve Anything You Want In Life

This post walks you through everything you need to start achieving your life goals today! Plus 8 practical steps you can easily follow and apply to every goal you have.


Most of us run into many great ideas and read inspiring articles or books that have practical thoughts and ways to improve our lives, but how many of us actually take the time to apply any of it? Well, not many.

As far as I can remember, I never really had a life goal that I was pursuing. If I ever had a goal it was usually short-term; and more often than not I’d get bored or lose hope and give up in a few weeks.

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