Investing In Gold: To Buy Or Not To Buy?

If you are not sure whether you should be investing in gold or not, or whether investing in gold is a worthwhile investment, you will find your answer in this post.


I have always had this idea that gold was the ultimate investing option. For some reason, me and people around me have this idea that if you have money, it is wiser to not keep it as cash but convert it to gold instead.

And, at the moment, as I was looking for more money investing ways, I thought, “Gold!”

But, since I am approaching this in a serious manner and dedicating my time to finding the best investing methods, I decided not to just follow my inherited idea of how brilliant an investment this would make and actually do some research, listen to what some of the experts say, read statistics, and find actual evidence on whether or not it would be as good of an investment as I, and most people I know, think it is.

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Money VS Passion: TRJ’s Quarter-Year Update

This post is my first update on my journey so far. If you have been following the journey, or just intrigued to know what I have been up to those past 5 months, then I invite you to read on.


First of all, this is not exactly a “quarter-year,” but I only thought of this post about two weeks ago or so, and I was either going to do it now and be a little behind on the “quarter” part, or wait for it to be like half a year update or something. But I eventually decided to just do it now.

I felt like I should have a post where I document what has been going well for me so far on this journey and what needs improvement. So that I can have an overview of where I am exactly.

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How Can You Have The Mind Of A Millionaire?

This week’s post is about one of the most informative and insightful books I have read on achieving financial freedom so far: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth, by T. Harv Eker, which “reveals the missing link between wanting success and achieving it.”

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind has sold over a million copy worldwide and has been a #1 best seller on the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today; its main mantra is “think rich to get rich.”

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Who Is Ray?

In case anyone is ever wondering.


I’m starting this blog as a way to track and document my very unsettling and skeptic journey of achieving financial freedom and starting my own business (and, you know, becoming my own boss!).

The reason I use words like “skeptic” and “unsettling,” and I would go as far as saying frightening and insane, is that I don’t personally know anyone who’s ever done this before.

At least not someone who didn’t initially have a huge sum of money (because they come from a rich family or so) to start with. Everyone I know follows the typical “active income” lifestyle: A day job and a salary for the hours they worked at the end of the month and that is it. And most of them live a month-to-month kind of life.

So, I am certainly taking a huge leap of faith here!

But before I take you on my journey, here’s a brief background about me first.

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