6 Steps To Start A Successful Freelancing Career (Plus How To Work Less And Earn More As A Freelancer)

If you’ve ever considered starting a freelancing career as a side hustle to increase your income or to make freelancing your full time job, in this co-written post, by Ashutosh Garg and myself, you will learn the practical and effective steps needed to launch a successful freelancing career.
Plus some tips on how to increase your income as a freelancer without working extra hours for it.


Freelancing means being your own boss, working on your own terms, and performing multiple roles at the same time. This can be an excellent way to earn more money and increase your monthly income.

As cool as it sounds though, making money freelancing is not exactly that easy. However, if you take the right approach and focus on working smarter not just harder, it will lift off the burden of not being able to earn enough for your bread and butter, in the initial phase, and before you know it, freelancing can even become your main source of income.

Read below to learn the exact steps you can follow to start freelancing today and how you can earn more money as a freelancer without working for it.

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What It Takes To Start Your Own Business As An Entrepreneur In Egypt: A Real-Life Experience

If you are someone looking to start their own business, whether you live in Egypt or not, there is always a lot to learn from someone’s journey to building a successful business from scratch.
Read in this guest post, by Ingy Zahran, a little about her business, what kind of effort and planning it took her to make the shift from full-time job employee to an entrepreneur and a business owner, and what obstacles she had to overcome in order to achieve success with her business.


My name is Ingy Zahran and I’m an artist and a business owner in Egypt. I was really excited when Ray suggested that I write an article about my journey from being a simple Road Design Engineer (yes, you read that right :)) to being a full time artist and starting my own business. 

I remember, for years, I searched online articles and stories of people who made the shift from having a full time job with a stable salary to venturing into the somewhat risky life of an entrepreneur. 

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