Tips & Resources To Help You Keep Your Blogging Routine While Doing NaNoWriMo

If you’re a blogger who is also a fiction writer, you decided to join NaNoWriMo this year, and you often wait till the last minute to get things done, then this is the post to read to help you prepare for NaNoWriMo, even if you’re just one week away.


November is coming and, for writers, you may say this is kind of “our season.” November is NaNoWriMo which is National Novel Writing Month. If you’re not familiar with it, this is a competition that is held online every year where all participant writers dedicate their time to writing everyday, starting November 1st to reach the goal of 50, 000 words by November 30th.

And while it has the word “Novel” in it—because that was the idea of the challenge when they started it, creating a novel in 30 days—you don’t necessarily have to write a novel.

It could be a collection of short stories, a non-fiction book of any type, or anything else; the point of this competition is that you develop the habit of writing everyday and, hopefully, also end up with a finished first draft of your project of choice by the end of the month.

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For Writers And Bloggers: A 5-Step Guide To Create, Publish, And Promote Your eBook FOR FREE

If you ever considered self-publishing your own book, this guide will walk you through all the steps it takes to get this done from the planning to the publication. How to edit, format, design, publish, and promote your book for free.


Publishing a book is something that has been on my list for a very, very long time. I have been reading about the best ways to do it and all the important tips and tricks and things to pay attention to, especially as a first-time publisher.

Beside the fact that I have longed to create and publish a book simply because of my love for writing in general, this can also be a very good way to earn passive income.

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The Science Of Creativity And How To Fight A Creative Block

Can you become more creative? How does your brain create things? What is a creative block and how do you fight it? If you use creativity in any aspect of your life, then these are questions you might want to have the answer to.


Creativity is not only about art. We use creativity almost everyday in our life. And probably in every business out there, creativity is one of the main requirements. In order to be successful in any field you have got to be creative.

But what is creativity and how can you be creative?

Let’s find out.

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Who Is Ray?

In case anyone is ever wondering.


I’m starting this blog as a way to track and document my very unsettling and skeptic journey of achieving financial freedom and starting my own business (and, you know, becoming my own boss!).

The reason I use words like “skeptic” and “unsettling,” and I would go as far as saying frightening and insane, is that I don’t personally know anyone who’s ever done this before.

At least not someone who didn’t initially have a huge sum of money (because they come from a rich family or so) to start with. Everyone I know follows the typical “active income” lifestyle: A day job and a salary for the hours they worked at the end of the month and that is it. And most of them live a month-to-month kind of life.

So, I am certainly taking a huge leap of faith here!

But before I take you on my journey, here’s a brief background about me first.

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