TRJ Blog

The Simplest Guide To SEO For Beginners

What is SEO? And how do you use it to drive more traffic to your website? In this post you will find a simple and detailed explanation with practical steps to follow.


SEO was one of the topics on my list that I knew I had to learn about, but I wasn’t particularly looking forward to it.

It was not as intimidating as getting into the stock market, but still it was one of those things that I just kept postponing. However, I know if I ever plan on using this platform to reach more people, and perhaps convert it into a source of income at some point, I will need to step into the SEO territory.

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5 Habits To Live Better And Achieve More

We don’t always have the motivation to do what we need to do; and sometimes we waste hours or days with nothing productive which leads to negative emotions, like guilt or discontentment.

These 5 habits will help you change that.


Waking up with a plan and a purpose helps in achieving all the things you need to achieve in a day, which ultimately helps you achieve your bigger goals in life.

And, sometimes, you need to make a few changes and implement a few things in your daily routine to help you achieve that purpose and those goals the best way you can.

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Passive Income: Investing In Index Funds For Beginners

If you have no clue what an index fund is or how to invest in one, in this post, I answer 7 questions that briefly cover all you need to know to start investing.


Let me begin by saying that investing in the stock market is one of the topics I have been avoiding to get into (there’s a list of them) because of how intimidating it felt. I had absolutely no clue what to do with this and every time I try to read about it, I get a headache!

However, eventually, I reached a dead end because I couldn’t find another topic for this week. And I figured I’ll have to get into this eventually if I wanted to properly create a diversified investment portfolio.

If you look at any established investor, you will find that they have to have money in the stock market, one way or another.

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The Versatile Blogger Award

I usually post on Saturdays, but this is a different and special kind of post.

I have been nominated by the amazing Erin Goddard (Baby Steps) to receive the Versatile Blogger award. And I must say it is such a joy and an honor to be recognized by your fellow bloggers! So, thank you so much for this, Erin!

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The 5 Dangers Of Sitting In A Bad Posture For Hours (Plus 5 Ways To Correct Your Posture)

Sitting for too long is bad for your health. Sitting for too long in the wrong posture is A LOT worse.
Read about the dangers and what you can do to avoid them in this post.


Working on this blog is something I do while sat down. But it’s not just that, almost everything I’m doing, I do while sitting down starring at something; either reading for studies, writing assignments/homework, working on every single job I’ve ever had, watching TV, typing a blog post, researching a topic, or just scrolling through social media pages, etc.

That is a lot of sitting down! And this can be seriously dangerous if you are not paying attention to how long you are doing this and the way you are actually doing it.

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Getting Started With Affiliate Programs For Beginners

A short guide to familiarise you with what affiliate programs and marketing platforms are, how they work, and how to start becoming an affiliate marketer. Plus 5 briefly discussed examples: CJ Affiliate, Rakuten Marketing, ShareASale, FlexOffers, and Amazon Associates.


For those who are just getting started in affiliate marketing and want to have a quick overview of what it all means, this is the post for you.

I have briefly discussed affiliate programs in this post 5 Online Businesses That Work, however, at the time, I hadn’t yet tried it and so I only knew very little information. Now that I have been doing this for a while longer, I came to know it much better and summed it up in a few points where it can make it easier for someone who is just getting started.

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Passive Income: How To Make Money With Airbnb

Have you ever wondered how you can make money through Airbnb? If you have, then read on as I answer 7 questions that cover everything you need to know to start making money with Airbnb today.


Previously, in the Passive Income: 4 Real Estate Investing Options post, I wrote about some of the many ways one can invest in real estate. And one of the methods mentioned there was buying a property and putting it up for rent.

Renting a property gives you a steady passive income source. However, some of the downsides to this was 1. you may end up with tenants who don’t pay and 2. the amount of money involved to actually buy a property.

But what if you can rent a spare room in the house you already live in and with a guaranteed payment?

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How Can You Have The Mind Of A Millionaire?

This week’s post is about one of the most informative and insightful books I have read on achieving financial freedom so far: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth, by T. Harv Eker, which “reveals the missing link between wanting success and achieving it.”

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind has sold over a million copy worldwide and has been a #1 best seller on the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today; its main mantra is “think rich to get rich.”

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