Two Craftsmen’s Entrepreneurial Journey To A Successful Gothic Gift Shop In Egypt

A collaborative effort between the owners of the Egyptian gothic gift shop miniROOMZ and myself, to bring you a detailed article, with practical steps and inspiring thoughts to anyone with a small business idea.


Reading Time: 10 minutes

In this article, we are discussing how we started our small business miniROOMZ. A new gift shop with a niche that is relatively uncommon in Egypt, selling handcrafted, gothic-inspired decoration items.

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The Simplest Guide To Cryptocurrency For Beginners (Plus All You Need To Know About Pi Network)

If you don’t know what a cryptocurrency is or how mining works; if you want to learn more about Bitcoin, what Pi Network is, and the kind of profits and risks that come with investing in cryptocurrencies, then this is the article to read.


Disclaimer: I’m an engineer, not a financial advisor or a trading expert, nor am I holding myself out to be. Thank you.

I am going to be bluntly honest here and say that this was not an easy topic to research and study. Maybe because it has been a while since I did some comprehensive reading on a topic I’m not familiar with (given this is my first article this year), or perhaps because it is indeed a bit of a complex topic.

Either way, I hope that in this article I would have managed to make it simpler and easier to understand for those who have absolutely no idea what a cryptocurrency is and how it works.

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Investing In Gold: To Buy Or Not To Buy?

If you are not sure whether you should be investing in gold or not, or whether investing in gold is a worthwhile investment, you will find your answer in this post.


I have always had this idea that gold was the ultimate investing option. For some reason, me and people around me have this idea that if you have money, it is wiser to not keep it as cash but convert it to gold instead.

And, at the moment, as I was looking for more money investing ways, I thought, “Gold!”

But, since I am approaching this in a serious manner and dedicating my time to finding the best investing methods, I decided not to just follow my inherited idea of how brilliant an investment this would make and actually do some research, listen to what some of the experts say, read statistics, and find actual evidence on whether or not it would be as good of an investment as I, and most people I know, think it is.

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TRJ Update: The End Of My One-Year Journey

This is my final post of the year, and maybe the last one for a little while; reflecting on the past 12 months and everything I learned through this one-year journey towards becoming my own boss!


This is a little bit overdue. I was planning to publish this post on the first Saturday of the month, but suddenly I had so many things to do at once, and then it was my birthday weekend, followed by a long-awaited vacation to my favourite place in the country.

And while I had initially planned to work on the blog and finish other work-related tasks while on vacation, once I got there, I decided against it.

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Tips & Resources To Help You Keep Your Blogging Routine While Doing NaNoWriMo

If you’re a blogger who is also a fiction writer, you decided to join NaNoWriMo this year, and you often wait till the last minute to get things done, then this is the post to read to help you prepare for NaNoWriMo, even if you’re just one week away.


November is coming and, for writers, you may say this is kind of “our season.” November is NaNoWriMo which is National Novel Writing Month. If you’re not familiar with it, this is a competition that is held online every year where all participant writers dedicate their time to writing everyday, starting November 1st to reach the goal of 50, 000 words by November 30th.

And while it has the word “Novel” in it—because that was the idea of the challenge when they started it, creating a novel in 30 days—you don’t necessarily have to write a novel.

It could be a collection of short stories, a non-fiction book of any type, or anything else; the point of this competition is that you develop the habit of writing everyday and, hopefully, also end up with a finished first draft of your project of choice by the end of the month.

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What It Takes To Start Your Own Business As An Entrepreneur In Egypt: A Real-Life Experience

If you are someone looking to start their own business, whether you live in Egypt or not, there is always a lot to learn from someone’s journey to building a successful business from scratch.
Read in this guest post, by Ingy Zahran, a little about her business, what kind of effort and planning it took her to make the shift from full-time job employee to an entrepreneur and a business owner, and what obstacles she had to overcome in order to achieve success with her business.


My name is Ingy Zahran and I’m an artist and a business owner in Egypt. I was really excited when Ray suggested that I write an article about my journey from being a simple Road Design Engineer (yes, you read that right :)) to being a full time artist and starting my own business. 

I remember, for years, I searched online articles and stories of people who made the shift from having a full time job with a stable salary to venturing into the somewhat risky life of an entrepreneur. 

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6 Tricks To Help You Pay Off Your Debt Faster

If you have debts and are struggling to make your monthly payments, or just wish you could pay off that debt faster to get rid of the financial pressure, read in this post 6 tips that can help you do it.


There are a lot of people facing debts, for several reasons, and many of them sometimes struggle to make payments every month. If you are one of those people, or if you know someone who may be struggling with debt, in this post, you will find a few tips that can help you make those monthly payments easier and, hopefully, get out of that debt a bit faster.

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Blogger Recognition Award (x8)

Happy to have been nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award!
Read in this post what the award is about, 2 pieces of advice for newbie bloggers, and a list of 10 amazing bloggers I nominate.

blogger recognition award - The Ray Journey TRJ
There is no official badge for the award, so I just designed this one. Feel free to use it or create your own.

I am happy to share this week a few more nominations I received from some of my good blogger friends.

I am always thrilled to receive such nominations, because it makes me feel that my blog is visible, and the material I put out there is being read and appreciated by my peers. In my opinion, that is one of the best feelings for a creator of any kind.

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