What It Takes To Start Your Own Business As An Entrepreneur In Egypt: A Real-Life Experience

If you are someone looking to start their own business, whether you live in Egypt or not, there is always a lot to learn from someone’s journey to building a successful business from scratch.
Read in this guest post, by Ingy Zahran, a little about her business, what kind of effort and planning it took her to make the shift from full-time job employee to an entrepreneur and a business owner, and what obstacles she had to overcome in order to achieve success with her business.


My name is Ingy Zahran and I’m an artist and a business owner in Egypt. I was really excited when Ray suggested that I write an article about my journey from being a simple Road Design Engineer (yes, you read that right :)) to being a full time artist and starting my own business. 

I remember, for years, I searched online articles and stories of people who made the shift from having a full time job with a stable salary to venturing into the somewhat risky life of an entrepreneur. 

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6 Tricks To Help You Pay Off Your Debt Faster

If you have debts and are struggling to make your monthly payments, or just wish you could pay off that debt faster to get rid of the financial pressure, read in this post 6 tips that can help you do it.


There are a lot of people facing debts, for several reasons, and many of them sometimes struggle to make payments every month. If you are one of those people, or if you know someone who may be struggling with debt, in this post, you will find a few tips that can help you make those monthly payments easier and, hopefully, get out of that debt a bit faster.

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Blogger Recognition Award (x8)

Happy to have been nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award!
Read in this post what the award is about, 2 pieces of advice for newbie bloggers, and a list of 10 amazing bloggers I nominate.

blogger recognition award - The Ray Journey TRJ
There is no official badge for the award, so I just designed this one. Feel free to use it or create your own.

I am happy to share this week a few more nominations I received from some of my good blogger friends.

I am always thrilled to receive such nominations, because it makes me feel that my blog is visible, and the material I put out there is being read and appreciated by my peers. In my opinion, that is one of the best feelings for a creator of any kind.

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The Best 10 Email Types To Send Your Email List Subscribers

If you are still trying to build an email list or if you find yourself often running out of ideas for emails to send your list, you will find 10 different email types in this post that will help you find more material for your emails.


Having an email list, whether you are a blogger, a business owner, or a content creator of any type, is crucial to you because it is the only sustainable way through which you can reach your audience and/or customers.

Before starting this blog, I did a little bit of research to see what were the most important points to pay attention to as a newbie blogger. And one of the most common pieces of advice that old-time bloggers had was that they wished they had started building their email lists earlier.

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Saving Tips: 9 Smart Ways To Save More Money This Fall

Whether you’ve spent too much during the summer and need to restore your financial balance, or you still haven’t saved enough for the holiday season that’s only few months away, in this guest post, by Kim James, you will learn 9 smart ways to help you save more money this fall.


When leaves are falling and turning a beautiful array of colors between yellow, orange, and red, and no more sunbathing or having ice cream in 95-degree weather, hoping to cool off, you know it’s that time of year again. Fall is upon us.

This is usually the favorite season for most people because of the perfect weather and fashion-forward clothing. But it is also the season when you can save the most.

You have probably spent a little too much money over the past few months with the whole family being home most of the time because of quarantine, leading to an uptake in household bills.

Not to mention all the online shopping you have probably indulged into because of being stuck at home. Don’t feel bad about it though, this has been the case for people all over the world. Online shopping reached the highest it has ever been in 2020, surpassing even holiday season peaks.

Or maybe this pandemic had a more unfortunate impact where you had to be off from work for a while due to the temporary closing of some businesses, and that affected your budget. (If you are still financially affected by this and looking for ways to make money, read Passive Income: 5 Online Businesses That Work.)

Whatever it is that may have affected your financial situation this year, fall is the time of year where the saving possibilities are endless. So, step into the season informed on some of the best fall money-saving tips that will get you by and into the next season.

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Sunshine Blogger Award (x4)

Thrilled to have been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award. In this post, learn about the award, read my answers to 12 completely random questions (total waste of your time), and find a list of 11 amazing bloggers I nominate (this should be worth it though).

sunshine blogger award with a hint of clouds
The Sunshine Blogger Award logo attacked by clouds, because let’s face it, I hate sunshine.
(This is not the official logo)
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A Ray Of Happiness: 13 Things You Can Do To Instantly Feel Good And Uplift Your Mood

Our mood and state of mind affect everything in our day. If you’re feeling down or if you’ve ever been stuck in a bad mood, these 13 things can help lift up your mood and take you back to that happy place!


Disclaimer: Please do not take any of the suggestions in this post as a claim for a quick fix to a diagnosed depressive disorder or any other mental illness.

When we are not in a good mood, or rather when we are in a bad mood, it affects everything from our interactions with other people to our productivity and ability to focus. This is why you need to have a backup plan for when things go south, you should have a go-to list of things to help you lift yourself up and get back to work and carry on with your responsibilities.

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For Writers And Bloggers: A 5-Step Guide To Create, Publish, And Promote Your eBook FOR FREE

If you ever considered self-publishing your own book, this guide will walk you through all the steps it takes to get this done from the planning to the publication. How to edit, format, design, publish, and promote your book for free.


Publishing a book is something that has been on my list for a very, very long time. I have been reading about the best ways to do it and all the important tips and tricks and things to pay attention to, especially as a first-time publisher.

Beside the fact that I have longed to create and publish a book simply because of my love for writing in general, this can also be a very good way to earn passive income.

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